Life isn't about just surviving.
Life is about THRIVING.
Stop going through the motions without making any progress. We can't just wish ourselves healthy and happy, but we can learn from people who have answers to the questions we struggle with.
Start TodayAll The Tools You Need
To Reach Your Wellness Goals
All humans have three core desires that are shared no matter who we are, how we vote, where we live or any social construct. We all have the desire to be HAPPY, to be HEALTHY, and to be LOVED.
Being happy means that we find joy in our daily lives and wake up excited about the potential our lives have. When we find happiness we will want to be healthy because if life is good, of course we want it to last as long as possible. If we can live a happy, and long life, then we will want to be loved so that we have others to share our experiences with.
As a Holistic Nutritionist I have helped people from very different places in their life, having very different challenges to face, and very different needs to reach their goals. While nutrition is at the core of my approach, I recognize that nutrition alone rarely ever leads people to be happy, healthy, and have self love.
I have learned that:
- Diets based on deprivation don't work because they are emotionally unsustainable, and potentially unhealthy.
- Exercise routines that leave us exhausted and in pain will not be followed.
- Being healthy should never break your bank account. With education and good choices healthy lifestyles should never add financial stress.
- People need to be ready for change, and have the knowledge and support to make change a positive enjoyable experience. Having insecurities or being self-conscious is normal, we are all capable of reaching our goals, we just need to find the right path.
- Everything takes time. Magic pills, quick fixes, and one size fits all solutions either don't work at all, don't work for long, or do harm to your health potentially without you even knowing.
When dealing with your personal health trust isn't optional.
The world has no shortage of choices when it comes to health care professionals and programs. You need to do more than find the right information. You need to find the person who can deliver that information to you in a way you will understand, and act on. Get to know Melissa Weatherall RHNP a little better with a free no obligation discovery call.
Book a Free Discovery CallFiona M
Melissa has helped me so much. With her help and encouragement, I now prep good food for the week, sleep better all around. I have lost almost 10 pounds in the month since I first met with her.
Thank You Melissa!

Education is always at the core of everything we do at Melissa Weatherall-Balanced Wellness. Membership comes with self-directed foundations of wellness training, where we cover over 20 topics including Mindset, Movement, Detoxification, Supplementing, biohacking, and more!

This training has a private group where you can reach out to ask questions, support, and be supported. We have bi-weekly meetings that mix virtual attendance and live local attendance. We also have an included virtual room in our community for members to meet independently if they wish.

Cost Effective
The average hourly rate for a Nutritionist in Ontario is approximately $125 (2022). When you register for Thrive Group Coaching you are getting shared access to a Nutritionist for under $10/hour. You can't beat that anywhere!

Emily Y
I joined Melissa’s program in order to shake the weight I had gained during the COVID-19 quarantine. Melissa’s one on one meetings and regular check ins really helped motivate and focus my attention on eating healthy and exercising. She doesn’t focus on a quick fix, but rather creating a lifestyle and instilling beneficial eating habits. Melissa has completely changed the way I look at food for the better and has provided me with a plethora of useful information regarding nutrition and recipes. I felt very comfortable discussing my habits - the good and the bad - with her and never felt judged but always supported. She always has time for questions or a quick pep-talk and her knowledge regarding nutrition is broad and diverse. As a result, I have lost 14 pounds and I feel more energetic and healthy than ever.
What you can expect in this program.
Thrive coaching is group-based, but that doesn't mean one size fits all. Your coaching will begin with DIY foundational training delivered through your library. This includes all lessons, guides, and plans.
People learn differently. They learn in different ways, at different paces, and have unique struggles. Thrive coaching is designed to be effective for all people by incorporating multiple forms of learning.
Online Training Modules provide self-directed self-paced education in twelve key areas of health and wellness. The video training is complimented by short quizzes, and worksheets or actionable items. This gives you the opportunity to learn visually, by taking notes and testing your retention, as well as practical application of what you have learned.
- Ample support
- Self-directed online training
- Quizzes
- Action items and worksheets
- Support meetings
The group operates daily in a fully private Facebook group. This group is only visible to Thrive support members so it provides a safe place to ask questions, support, and be supported, as well as share your successes and struggles with the group. Nothing in Thrive coaching is mandatory. If you don't feel comfortable posting at first thats not a problem, and very common. Over time as you are ready you can choose to share. Part of learning is observing those who have come before us, being inspired by others, and saving time, resources, and hardship by following proven road maps.
The core of Thrive coaching is our bi-weekly online meetings. Each meeting is slightly different, but typically we begin with a discussion topic and then move into two two-way group conversations.
- New topics to keep you motivated each month.
- Challenges and actionable items so that you learn through actually doing things.
- Support and training to make sure you are on track, and moving forward.
- We will peel back the layers of what causes our struggles, and find real solutions.
- A Community with challenges and rewards to keep you motivated.
It's almost never better alone...
Everyone has struggles, ups downs, and challenges. We are most successful when we have knowledge, motivation and people just like ourselves who will push us over the hurdles, pick us up when we are down, and get us going when all we want to do is stop.

Knowledge is Your Key to Success
Thrive Coaching focuses on empowering people to not only reach their goals but to sustain what they gain independently through knowledge and habits. When you register for Thrive coaching you will get access to education, instruction, support, and more. Our Facebook group for the day-to-day, and our community for events, challenges, and more.

The belief that people can just be told eat this, don't eat that and find their way to sustainable health improvements is an approach that will end with disappointment. Our long term health goals will only be achieved when we have the knowledge required to make good choices more often than bad over long periods of time.
In This Foundation:
- 1.1 Hydration
- 1.2 Clean Eating
- 1.3 Sugar Reduction

Our bodies are built to move, and to maintain our optimal health we need to move. Movement impacts our weight, longevity and lifestyle, our mood, the number of aches and pains we have, and in general our ability to enjoy life. Including movement beyond our daily routine will not only accelerate how quickly we reach our goals, it is critically important in sustaining our goals.
In This Foundation:
- 2.1 Low Intensity
- 2.2 High Intensity
- 2.3 Stretching

The most common reason for progress, and the most common reason for lacking progress is our mindset. We each have very individual needs, circumstances, and life experiences, but we all want to live a happy healthy long life. The first battle is not in the grocery store, or the gym, it's in our own minds. Being prepared to deal with doubt and adversity is possibly the most important factor in reaching out wellness goals.
In This Foundation:
- 3.1 Self Care
- 3.2 Setting Goals
- 3.3 Support

Foundation four is where we look at how we will maintain the growth we have gained both physically, and emotionally. Too often we hear about people having success immediately followed by a loss of everything they worked so hard to achieve. Our focus is on the sustainment and growth of our progress without deprivation, exhausting workouts, or diets that can't be sustained.
In This Foundation:
- 4.1 Sleep
- 4.2 Habits
- 4.3 Detoxification
Thrive Group Coaching has over 10 hours of DIY training.
Check out some clips from our mindset series!
Jamie H
Working with Melissa is one of the best decisions I've made. I always get good results when I follow one of her programs. If I fall off track, she is always there to motivate me and get me back on track. Her love for what she does is obvious. Your success is as important to her as it is to you.
Thank-You Melissa

Today is the best day to create a better tomorrow.
Some of us are trying to reach the top of the mountain, some of us just want to get off the couch. No matter where you are if you don't feel healthy, happy and fulfilled then you need to make a change, and that choice can only be made by you. I hear every reason why people believe they are locked into the life they are leading. It's too late, I don't know how, I don't have time, I'm too shy, unathletic, I inherited things, I have unbreakable habits, and on it goes. I'm not going to tell you it's easy, I'm not going to tell you it will happen tomorrow. I am going to tell you I have not yet met a person that I can not help if they are willing to help themselves.
Reaching your wellness goals isn't as simple as following a meal program.
I've got real solutions, proven by real people.
Everyone is looking for the easy button, the one step one stop fix all. That solution just doesn't exist, unfortunately many people waste valuable time in their lives chasing quick fixes that cost money, and disappoint.
The good news is that while there is no miracle pill, the solutions don't need to be overcomplicated, over priced, or painful. Thrive coaching puts joy into the journey, and uses a systematic approach to progressing you towards your goals.
There will be challenges, there will be struggles, but you will know what needs to happen, and you will have the knowledge and support to get there, and very importantly stay there. Thrive coaching is about living healthy, and happy without deprivation, without unrealistic exercise regiments or diets.