Share The Journey, It's Best When We Go Together.
My group programs are great for enhancing your learning experience, saving you money, and helping you meet you wellness goals.

In 2024 We Are Getting Back to the Basics...
Get off the fad diet supplement hamster wheel and return to the fundamentals of feeling good. In 2024 I am reducing the number of group programs I run to one! Why would I do this? Because I see the need to bring people back to square one where we can form a solid foundation and there is only one way to do that, by getting back to basics with my Balanced Basics program. Balanced Basics is moving from DIY to Group where it started, and where it belongs. My other classic group programs Revive 365, and Naturally Balanced will join the DIY club after a little refresh!

"I will continue to look to Melissa for support through my ongoing health and wellness journey"
Megg D

MEET Melissa Weatherall RHNP
Melissa Weatherall lives in Wasaga Beach Ont Canada. She graduated from Nutriphoria school of Holistic Nutrition in 2018. Melissa specializes in weight loss, mindset, and sports nutrition.

Your body can't feel good, or function well without the right fuel. Nutrition is critical to optimizing health, happiness, and longevity.

Movement is a critical ingredient to getting healthy, staying healthy, and enjoying life because we are healthy. There's more to movement than weights and cardio, I believe movement should be natural and pleasurable, it should never feel like a punishment,

The most common reason we fail, is also the most common reason we succeed. Our mindset often determines not only our ending, but how much we enjoy the journey. Developing a mindset for success is always a top priority in my programs.

You work hard for what you get in life, and you deserve to hold onto it. Maintenance shouldn't feel like another chore! Through developing habits, proper sleep, and detoxification holding onto what you've earned will become part of the rearward.
It's just like the title says
"Balanced Basics".
So often we charge from one extreme to another, chasing the latest fad, craze, or personal whim. It's time to take a balanced approach based on proven methods that work for everyone (yes that includes you).
Stabilize your mood, understand your relationship with food, get your body moving, and maintain it. It's not hard unless we make it hard. I'll be right there to guide you so don't worry, it's time to master Balanced Basics.
Balanced Basics will run in September 2024.
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Instead of your hormones controlling your life, it's time for you to take control of your hormones!
Stabilize your mood, learn which kinds of foods benefit your body, and get back to feeling like that confident, in-control woman you once were.
Naturally Balanced is moving to DIY in 2024.
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It's Time To Give Your Body The Deep Clean It Deserves!
You clean your house, your garage, and your yard, think about all the dust dirt, and grime that builds up and you have no idea how it got there. Well, your body is collecting toxins every day from your food, environment, and chemicals we expose ourselves to every day. If we don't clean out these toxins over time will slowly deteriorate our health, possibly without us even knowing it's happening.
Take back your health, Revive 365 with Melissa Weatherall RHNP
Revive 365 is moving to DIY in 2024
Program runs 4x annually, Winter Jan, Spring April, Summer June, Fall Sept. Each season runs 4 weeks.
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Not Sure Which Program Is Right For You, Or Have More Questions? Book A Free Discovery Call And I'll do My Very Best To Guide You.
I hate spam, and I value your time so I only send high value information usually once per month.