My Immune Support Toolbox

healthy living Nov 07, 2022

Well it's that time of year where viruses, colds and flus are everywhere.

I got hit with a doozy and this is the first bout of sickness I have had in over 2 years.  

It is normal for a healthy person to get sick a couple times a year but its never fun, however sometimes we can contribute to running ourselves down and suppressing our immune response.

Supporting your immune system by managing stress, sleeping enough, eating healthy foods, drinking lots of water and moving your body are all things that make a huge difference but what can you do when you get kicked in the butt and made to sit down!? 

REST!  First and foremost your body needs rest.  Listen to it.

Stay hydrated- Drink more water, warm tea, or broth to increase your fluids. This helps keep your respiratory system hydrated and thin out any mucus, so it can't build up in your lungs to cause an infection!  I also like adding in Emergen-C  this packs a fizzy punch full of vitamins, antioxidant, and electrolytes that help support your immune health!

I love warm lemon water with ginger too!  Add in some raw honey and its so soothing.  Bone broth is also super delicious and this one is convenient Chicken Bone broth!

The crappy thing is when we are dealing with a cold its so hard to sleep and its the one thing our body really needs!!

Using a diffuser really helps.  I like to put in a good quality Eucalyptus essential oil to help clear my congestion.  

Sometimes we have no choice but to call in the big guns and using supplements can be super helpful.  

I always keep this Elderberry syrup on hand Sambucus Cold and Flu Care Syrup is traditionally used in herbal medicine to help relieve symptoms of colds and flus including coughs and sore throats.

They also have a kids version

Another item I always have in my "toolbox" if we get sick is Oscillococcinum!

Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic medicine that reduces the duration of flu-like symptoms and relieves body aches, headache, fever and chills. Oscillococcinum does not cause drowsiness or sleeplessness and is suitable for the whole family: adults, children and infants.  Its saved the day or night many times over the years!! 

For a sore throat and some extra germ fighting help I carry Beekeepers Natural Throat Spray everywhere.

I also find while I am dealing with congestion that NAC is helpful.  NAC plays several important roles in human health.

Renowned for its ability to replenish levels of the antioxidant glutathione, it also regulates the important neurotransmitter glutamate. And NAC helps your body’s detoxification system-win win in my opinion!

These things all help when you get laid up but supporting your body before hand is crucial too.  We take Vitamin C  and Vitamin D3 daily - and my favourite daily Immune support -Deep Immune you can also get it in a kids formula.

Last but definitely not least make sure you are eating a variety of nutritious foods- think of the rainbow and choose as many colours as you can.  Limit the processed foods and added sugars these are going to suppress your immune system! 

When your immune system is compromised, you are more likely to get sick. If you eat a lot of foods and beverages high in sugar or refined carbohydrates, which the body processes as sugar, you may be reducing your body's ability to ward off disease.

Did you know that it takes about 75 grams of sugar to weaken the immune system. And once the white blood cells are affected, it's thought that the immune system is lowered for about 5 hours afterwards!  Crazy!!

I hope this has been helpful- and seeing what I keep in our toolbox will help you build one for yourself.  Being sick isn't fun so choosing to do the things we can to prevent it is worth it!


If you would like more information about programs I offer to help people just like you reach their health goals without deprivation, restrictive diets, or unrealistic exercise regiments then check out my program offerings page or email me: [email protected] 

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